Group Members

PhD Candidate (2023-2027)
Ms. Kimberly Garcia
Kimberly hails from the city of Baguio in the Philippines. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (cum laude) from the Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines-Diliman. After which, she worked as a university research assistant in the mass spectrometry facility embedded in the same institute. During this time, she worked in the service facility while also working on mass spectrometry-based metabolomics projects as applied to natural products discovery. She did her Master of Science in Kyoto University under the Monbukagakusho (MEXT) scholarship awarded by the Japanese government. There, she studied evolutionary biology of marine giant viruses in the Bioinformatics Center, Institute for Chemical Research. After which, she worked as a chemistry specialist for chemical journals and patents database excerption before coming to Maastricht University to start her PhD.

Postdoctoral Researcher (2023-2025)
Dr. Mariya Shamraeva
Mariya graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2018. She is a physical chemist by training and her research in the field of electrochemistry was devoted to finding alternative ways to tailor the electronic properties of a catalyst to actively and selectively drive reactions.
In 2020, she became a part of Igor Popov and Eugene Nikolaev’s research group. Her PhD research at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology was devoted to the development of novel ambient ionization techniques that reduce the complexity of analytical workflows. She was also a part of a MALDI imaging project, where an unsupervised geometrical clustering method without dimensionality reduction was adapted to the specific nature of mass spectrometry data.

Postdoctoral Fellow (2023-2025)
Dr. Caroline Bouvier
Caroline graduated in Analytical Chemistry and Materials Science from Sorbonne University (Paris) in 2018, with first research experiences aiming at analyzing painting materials using FTIR and micro-Raman spectroscopies. She joined the Laboratory of Molecular and Structural Archaeology (LAMS, Sorbonne University) to carry out a PhD research focusing on the application of ToF-SIMS imaging to investigate heritage samples like painting cross-sections, as well as the construction of an in-lab reference database. After obtaining her PhD degree in 2022, she worked as a postdoc on the research project ESPyON in the scientific laboratory of the French National Library (BnF). Her interest in the developments of new analytical ToF-SIMS techniques for heritage research lead her to write the SCIMITAR project that was awarded a MSCA Grant in 2023 (ID: 101108506) to join Sebastiaan van Nuffel’s group in Maastricht University.
If you are interested in joining the research group, please check out the vacancies.