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Please contact me if you would like to discuss any of these possibilities in more detail:

  • PhD studentships: There is currently no PhD position available.

  • Internships: There are Bachelor and Master project opportunities available for registered Maastricht University students.

  • Exchange opportunities:

    • US students and PhD researchers:

      • Fulbright Program: The Open Study/Research Award sponsors around 10 American students per year and can be for a Master degree or for a research project in any field in the Netherlands.

      • NAF Study Loan Program: The NAF provides three-year interest-free loans to eligible American master’s/PhD students enrolling at an accredited institution of higher learning in the Netherlands. NAF-Fulbright Fellows are eligible to apply for up to $15,000 to supplement their NAF-Fulbright grants.

    • Brazilian researchers: I am happy to support MCTI/CNPq calls (e.g. Nº 16/2024) to host Brazilian researchers in my group.

    • South African postgraduate researchers: The Zuid-Afrikahuis Study Fund offers scholarships for South African students who wish to do MSc/PhD research activities (up to six months) at a Dutch university.

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